The last beautiful weekends of the year

(by Cu)

Yes, Belgium: the country where the weather is generally unpredictable, where people go to work with a deadpan expression on their face while saying “Raining again!” to their colleagues in stead of saying “Hello”, and where thousands of people swear everyday that they’d never believe in the weather forecast again but still can not resist the urge of taking a quick peek at the newspaper in the morning.

Yet, since the month September, we’ve been constantly hearing this on the news: “Good news for the cafes this weekend: The rain will eventually make place for the shining sun, though the wind will keep blowing strongly. This might probably be the last time for us to enjoy such a good weather on the weekend. Let’s enjoy the sunshine before we’ve lost the chance!” And as I’ve been waiting for the real autumn and the winter to come (seriously, the only thing typical to autumn that can be seen at the moment is that everyone has a cold, like a domino effect), this message about “the last time for us to enjoy such a good weather” has been repeated every Friday evening for two months, which has encouraged my family to go out more frequently than ever.

The best place to hang out with your family when the sun is said to be shining the whole weekend is undoubtedly the sea. As a consequence, we drove, in a long traffic jam together with other cars having the same brilliant but typical idea of taking flight to the coast to avoid their busy daily life.

Our favorite destination is Ostend (and eventually Bredene), Belgian cities where inhabitants have the privilege of admiring the gorgeous beauty of the waves and the reflected light everyday. Here are some photos I took during our trips to the coast, some memories of the last beautiful weekends!!

Belgian coast

Belgian coast

Belgian coast

Belgian coast

Belgian coast

Belgian coast

Belgian coast

Belgian coast


Belgian coast

Belgian coast

Belgian coast

Belgian coast

Belgian coast

Belgian coast

Belgian coast

2 thoughts on “The last beautiful weekends of the year

  1. As someone once said, not about weather forecasters, “Trust, but verify.” It seems to be a good guideline anywhere on this planet (when talking about the weather at least). Very nice post. Hope the good weather continues…..


    1. It is amazing how the weather can always surprise us. It was cold today in Belgium and everyone began to whisper: “Winter has finally come”. Hope people will still be content whatever weather it is 🙂


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